Добавлено: Пн Дек 05, 2016 8:52 am
Заголовок сообщения:
СВД писал(а):
А был ли мальчик???
Лично я склонился к мнению, что нет. В одной из книжек нашёл фото 5А с красными звёздами в приличном качестве, но сделано оно в США, и датируется чуть ли не летом 45-го, причём текст гласит, что в Союз они не попали. Завтра найду, выложу сюда.
Добавлено: Пт Сен 06, 2019 9:10 pm
Заголовок сообщения:
Господа, нет ли у кого хороших чертежей на PBY-5A?
Желательно в 1/48 сразу.
Приобрёл Каталину Ревелл, хотел без заморочек, но чую гондолы маловаты.
Надо бы глянуть.
Коллеги, просветите пожалуйста насчет носовой турели Каталины. Имеется в наличии модель Монограм, там дается два варианта колпака- закрытый и открытый (так понимаю?). Не совсем ясно, что там маскировать, что нет, т.е. как всё-таки выглядел переплет? И могла ли турель поворачиваться полностью, или- спиной вперед по полету?
Новую тему решил не открывать, выкладываю фотки здесь.
Голландская "Каталина" на 1942 год. Строил не я. Делал коллега по хобби, Андрей Лёошко - для меня.
За основу брали PBY-5A Black Cat, другой "Каталины" не было. По-хорошему, если делать голландскую довоенную "Катьку", то надо брать не амфибию, а лодку в чистом виде. И мутить для неё либо тележку, либо воду. Мы дотумкали слишком поздно и решили не останавливать процесс. Потому, по-чесноку - о достоверности говорить не приходится. И патрубки не те, и декаль не на амфибию, и антенны не полностью.
По сборке. Родные стойки шасси нагрузку держать не будут, расползутся со временем. Решение проблемы - подставка + штырь из прозрачного литника + дырка в днище. Со стороны особо и не видно. В остальном - нормальная, приятная в сборке модель.
Антенны - нитка EZ line. Родную схему натяжки я нашёл, причём именно голландскую - но, похоже, она для послевоенных машин. Да и потом, примерив схему к модели, мы поняли, что из-за них готовую модель будет трудно брать в руки, даже за подставку. Оборвали бы в два счёта. Потому - на фиг. Три нитки Андрей натянул, да и дело с концом.
Краски - Gunze, мешались на глаз по цветному видео с ютуба. Нижний цвет, кстати, не белый, а молочный. То есть, пара-тройка капель RAF Sky начала войны добавлялась в белый.
Верхний цвет - примерно FS36118 - не помню уже, какую гунзу Андрей мешал, чтобы получить нужный оттенок.
Декаль - Dutch Decals. Выглядит красиво, но, во-первых, покупалась давно - потому, разваливалась в воде. Во-вторых, бортовой номер, почему-то в наборе был только на один борт. Будет возможность - дополню. Помимо голландской декали, мы заказывали у Алексея Бацких "стрелки" на верхнюю и нижнюю поверхность крыла - белые и красные. Эти стрелки означают молнии на тканевой обшивке - отстегнул, залез и глянул, что там творится, под тканью-то. Может, непотребство какое, хо-хо.
Подставка - бюджетный вариант. Купили в арт-магазине круглый планшет из пиломатериалов и на на нём мутили плиты, травку и землицу из подручного всего на свете. Ну, как-бы, голландская Ост-Индия. Как-бы, аэродром Морокрембанганг.
Следующий шаг - голландский же Dornier 24K, но, жаль только, жить в эту пору прекрасную...в общем, нормального Do-24 в 1/72 в природе не существует. Италовский вариант - не вариант, ибо конкретные дрова.
Может кто подскажет. Существуют ли фото английских Каталин из 210 эскадрильи летавшиих на сопровождения арктических конвоев к нам на север. Читал что приземлялись или приводнялись они в бухте Грязная под Мурманском или в Архангельске? Какой модификации они могли быть? Может боковики на них есть?
Может кто подскажет. Существуют ли фото английских Каталин из 210 эскадрильи летавшиих на сопровождения арктических конвоев к нам на север. Читал что приземлялись или приводнялись они в бухте Грязная под Мурманском или в Архангельске? Какой модификации они могли быть? Может боковики на них есть?
Немножко текста в т. ч. о 210-м скваде.
"In the summer of 1942 a force of Catalinas from Nos.210 and 240 Squadrons were posted to the Kola Inlet and Lake Lakhta near Archangel, in an attempt to provide some anti-submarine cover for the Russian convoys. The very next convoy, PQ.17, suffered the heaviest losses of any of the Russian convoys after being ordered to disperse. The Catalinas based in Russia played a major part in the safe arrival of the fourteen ships to survive the disaster. In the aftermath of this disaster the entire squadron was posted to Russia as part of a larger search-and-strike wing, although the Catalinas remained based at Invergordon unless they were called into action, in which case they could land at their Russian base. The first operational sorties under this system were made on 11-13 September, and saw the Catalinas remain airborne for 18 hours before reaching Grasnaya."
"Fewer difficulties attended Joubert's second proposal, to base flying-boats near Murmansk, and it was accordingly arranged that eight Catalinas of Nos. 210 and 240 Squadrons should operate from the Kola Inlet, and from Lake Lakhta, near Archangel, during the passage of the next convoy. The third proposal, to hold the enemy capital ships in check by sending a force of torpedo-bombers to Vaenga, was ruled out by the Admiralty on the grounds that we had at home only two fully trained squadrons of these aircraft.
PQ. 17 sailed from the Iceland anchorage of Hvalfiord on 27th June. We were aware that the Germans intended to strike in strength with their capital ships. On 1st July the convoy was picked up by enemy aircraft and U-boats; on 2nd July it began to come under heavy air attack; and on 3rd July Tirpitz, Hipper and attendant destroyers headed north from Trondheim. The next day the Admiralty, fearing the annihilation not only of the merchantmen but also of the comparatively weak escorting forces, instructed the former to disperse and proceed independently and the latter to withdraw. This gave the Germans what they wanted. Cautiously ordering their big ships back to the shelter of the Norwegian fiords, they directed their aircraft and submarines to hunt down the unprotected merchant vessels. The Catalinas in North Russia, which had thus far been searching for U-boats, accordingly soon found their task transformed into rounding up survivors. In this they did admirable work, and it was in part through their help that fourteen of the thirty-seven merchant ships which had left Iceland eventually reached Archangel."
(The Royal Air Force 1939-1945 Vol. II The Fight Avails by Denis Richards & Hilary St. G.Saunders, chapter V
Coastal Command and the Struggle at Sea: The North Russian Convoys, Photographic Reconnaissance, and Air-Sea Rescue)
"The Catalina flying boats of No. 210 Squadron were to provide close escort for the PQ.18 convoy at the beginning and end of its passage. The aircraft based in Shetland and Iceland carried depth charges instead of overload tanks and on 23 September one of the machines from Shetland sank U-253 some 132 miles (213 km) off Cape Langanaes in Iceland. The Catalina detachment based in Russia carried overload tanks instead of depth charges and could only menace rather than attack the U-boats and report their positions to Allied warships. The main task of these Catalina flying boats was to maintain 10 cross-over patrols 120 miles (190 km) from the Norwegian coast, from an area to the west of Narvik to another to the east of the North Cape. It would be impossible for a sortie by the German ships in northern Norway to pass through without being detected by the flying boats' air-to-surface search radar. As the PQ.18 convoy passed round Norway, the patrol areas moved to the north-east: three of them were flown by the Catalina aircraft from and back to Shetland, and the two others from Shetland by aircraft which then continued to Russia. The second of this latter pair was the furthest from both bases, and five aircraft were needed to keep one aeroplane continuously in the patrol area. Another five of the patrols were flown by the detachment in Russia. The flights from Shetland could last as much as 16 hours, and low cloud often prevented celestial navigation, which required such crews to rely on dead reckoning.
The Catalina flying boats detached to Russia were based at Lake Lakhta near Arkhangyel’sk on the White Sea, with Grasnaya on the Kola inlet used as an advanced base. Communication between the two bases was impossible, and Hopps used Grasnaya as the main base as it was 460 miles (740 km) nearer to the patrol areas and equally closer to occupied Norway. Lake Lakhta became a rest area and the base for close escort of the PQ.18 convoy once this was on the final leg of its passage. The Catalina flying boats bound for Russia left Shetland in sequence, completed the circuits of their patrol area and then proceeded to Russia. The Soviet ground crews at Lake Lakhta were found to be very efficient, impressing the British with their ability to improvise. The damaged Hampden from Khibiny was put back into service and a Catalina damaged by a German aeroplane was hauled ashore within eight minutes of landing and swiftly repaired. The flight from Lake Lakhta to Grasnaya took about five hours and once over the PQ.18 convoy, the Catalina circled it, keeping a careful watch on nearby aircraft in case of mistaken identity.
By 5 September, the serviceable Hampden aircraft were at Vaenga, farther from the front line than Polyarny. The airfield was bombed by the Germans on several occasions, and a Spitfire had to be written off on 9 September, but there were no casualties. An Area Combined Headquarters was established at Polyarny, where Rear Admiral D. B. Fisher was already installed as the Senior British Naval Officer. At Vaenga, the Spitfire photo-reconnaissance aircraft had their British roundels painted out and replaced by red stars, and used their F.24 oblique cameras on 12 sorties to Narvik and the Altafjord, flying through foul weather to keep watch over the German ships. To replace the Spitfire which had been written, No. 1 PRU despatched another Spitfire, which arrived on 16 September together with a single de Havilland Mosquito PR.Mk I.
On the night of 13/14 September, communications between the PQ.18 convoy and Lake Lakhta failed, and a Catalina at Grasnaya was unable to take off until dawn while the day’s photo-reconnaissance sortie found the Altafjord covered by cloud. If the Catalina sent a sighting report, it would come too late for the Hampden aircraft to attack, and as a precaution Hopps ordered the 23 operational Hampden machines into the air at 05.00 on 14 September for a reconnaissance in force. Each of the aircraft carried one Mk XII torpedo and the force flew to the maximum distance that Tirpitz could have reached and then turned to follow the track back to the Altafjord, as far as the Catalina patrol zone. After a flight of some 7 hours 30 minutes, the Hampden aircraft returned at 15.00, and it was later discovered that Tirpitz had merely moved to a nearby fiord. The other German ships were photographed at the Altafiord by the Spitfire photo-reconnaissance aircraft on 14, 15 and 16 September.
By a time late in September, the Search & Strike Force was coming under increased attention from the Luftwaffe. The Hampden aircraft remained dispersed around Vaenga airfield, receiving some damage during air raids. During a sortie to the Altafjord, one of the Spitfire photo-reconnaissance aircraft was shot down near Lakselv in northern Norway later in the morning of 27 September, its pilot being killed. Vaenga airfield was attacked on the same day by two Ju 88 bombers in a low-level raid, and the pilot of a Yakovlev fighter who had dived on the German aircraft, was forced to bail out when the tail of his aeroplane was shot off by Soviet anti-aircraft fire: the fighter crashed through the roof of a three-storey barracks assigned to the Search & Strike Force’s commissioned officers and the building caught fire, but there were no British casualties.
The surviving Hampden aircraft were to have been flown back to Scotland, but their crews had doubts about such a flight’s practicality in the face of the prevailing west/east winds, which could push the aircraft beyond their maximum range. On 1 October the Soviet authorities made a formal request for the Hampden aircraft, and the British agreed to donate both the Hampden and Spitfire aircraft to the Soviet air forces. The men of the Search & Strike Forces were to return to the UK by sea after helping to convert Soviet air and ground crews to both types. The British and Australian personnel returned to the UK on 28 October in the light cruiser Argonaut, and all but one of the Catalina flying boats were was flown back to the UK after the QP.14 convoy had passed through the danger area."
Владимир Крупник в статье RAAF in Russia упоминает:
"During the next stage of the convoy movement the main threat was considered to be connected with U-boats and Luftwaffe, and the task of the cover was allocated to the Catalinas and the Soviet long range fighters. The British airmen were lucky – on the 23rd of September the Catalina U/210 sank the German U-boat U-263. Its navigator was an Australian airman sergeant N.J. Langdon."
Скорее всего это Catalina Mk.IB с кодом "U", номер RAF FP210.
Так же где-то попадалось упоминание о лодке с кодом "P".
Добавлено спустя 9 часов 22 минуты 15 секунд:
Ещё одна "Каталина" 210 Sqn Catalina Mk.IB. FP113.
"...enemy action during special operational flight from Grasnaya, Russia, 25 September 1942.
Flight Lieutenant D E G Healy: died of wounds; Warrant Officer H S Johnson, Flying Officer R W Witherick, Flying Officer E Schofield, Pilot Officer G W Adamson, Sergeant T R Thomas, Sergeant J C Maffre(RCAF), Sergeant R Issac, Sergeant D Baird, Sergeant R M Smith, Leading Aircraftman T Carter: uninjured."
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