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Новости магазина ARMORY

Отправил: Размещено: ( 1140 показов)

#Новые товары в предложении магазина:ACE, DANMODELS, MASTER MODEL, SMALL STUFF



Новые товары в предложении магазина:
New items listed in our shop:

ACE 72536 - 1/72 French Artillery tractor (6x6) W-15T

DM 35218 - 1/35 German and Soviet WWII topographic maps . newspaper
DM 35220 - 1/35 PALLETS. Set for making 4 pieces. Veneer

AM-32-081 - 1/32 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe early version (conical fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Tamiya)
AM-32-082 - 1/32 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe late version (rounded fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Tamiya)
AM-32-083 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II / FB Mk.VI - Pitot tube & armament set (Browning .303 barrels and Hispano 20mm barrel tips)
AM-32-084 - 1/32 Static dischargers for F-16 (16pcs+2spare)
AM-32-085 - 1/32 Static dischargers - type used on modern Sukhoi jets (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and other) (12pcs+2spare)
AM-32-086 - 1/32 P-38 Lightning - early armament (.50 cal Brownings with drilled cooling jackets & early and late 20mm cannon tips)
AM-32-087 - 1/32 P-38 Lightning - late armament (.50 cal Brownings with covered cooling jackets & late 20mm cannon tips)
AM-32-088 - 1/32 P-38M Lightning - .50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders
AM-48-110 - 1/48 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb - Hispano 20mm cannons in fairings with resin fitting (fit to Airfix new tool kit)
AM-48-111 - 1/48 De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II / FB Mk.VI - Pitot tube & armament set (Browning .303 barrels and Hispano 20mm barrel tips)
AM-48-112 - 1/48 Static dischargers for F-16 (16pcs+2spare)
AM-48-113 - 1/48 Static dischargers - type used on modern Sukhoi jets (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and other) (12pcs+2spare)
AM-48-114 - 1/48 P-38 Lightning - early armament (.50 cal Brownings with drilled cooling jackets & early and late 20mm cannon tips)
AM-48-115 - 1/48 P-38M Lightning - .50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders
AM-72-089 - 1/72 German radar FuG 218 "NEPTUN" (used on nightfighters Me 262, Ar 234 and other)
AM-72-090 - 1/72 German aircraft cannon 3,7cm Flak 18 gun barrels (used on Ju-87G and other) (2pcs)
AM-72-091 - 1/72 De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II / FB Mk.VI - Pitot tube & armament set (Browning .303 barrels and Hispano 20mm barrel tips)
AM-72-092 - 1/72 Static dischargers for F-16 (16pcs+2spare)
AM-72-093 - 1/72 Static dischargers - type used on modern Sukhoi jets (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and other) (12pcs+2spare)
AM-72-094 - 1/72 P-38 Lightning - early armament (.50 cal Brownings with drilled cooling jackets & early and late 20mm cannon tips)
AM-72-095 - 1/72 P-38 Lightning - late armament (.50 cal Brownings with covered cooling jackets & late 20mm cannon tips)
AM-72-096 - 1/72 P-38M Lightning - .50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders
SM-350-086 - 1/350 Russian battleship Tsesarevich (1904) armament - 305mm (4pcs), 152mm (12pcs), 75mm (18pcs), 45mm (14pcs), 37mm (10pcs) barrels
SM-350-087 - 1/350 Set of universal yardarms No1 (lengths = 10,15, 20, 25, 30, 35mm - 2pcs of each)
SM-350-088 - 1/350 Set of universal yardarms No2 (lengths = 40,45, 50, 55, 60, 65mm - 1pc of each)
SM-700-043 - 1/700 British 12"/45 (30.5 cm) Mark X barrels (10pcs) - Lord Nelson, Dreadnought, Bellerophon, Invincible and Indefatigable classes
SM-700-044 - 1/700 British 12-pdr [3"/50 (7.62 cm)] 18cwt QF Mark I barrels (26pcs) - King Edward VII, Lord Nelson, Dreadnought and Minotaur classes
SM-700-045 - 1/700 Set of universal yardarms No1 (lengths = 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5mm - 2pcs of each)
SM-700-046 - 1/700 Set of universal yardarms No2 (lengths = 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30, 32.5mm - 1pc of each)

SS48106 - 1/48 Le Rhone 9J (110 hp) Engine
SS48107 - 1/48 Oberursel Ur.II (110 hp) Engine
SS48108 - 1/48 Gnome 7 Lambda / Oberursel U.0 (80 hp) Engine
SS48109 - 1/48 Gnome 14 Lambda-Lambda / Oberursel U.III (160 hp)

(!) Напоминаем, в магазине существует возможность сэкономить на оплате доставки товаров:
- УкрПочта по территории Украины: бесплатная доставка от минимального заказа;
- транспортные компании (Новая Почта, Автолюкс, ИнТайм, САТ): бесплатная доставка при сумме посылки от 500грн.;
- УкрПочта международная: бесплатная доставка при сумме посылки от $100.

(!) Also remind You about possibilities to save funds while You purchase in our shop:
- All the packages with value over $100 are shipped for free worldwide.

Всегда рады Вам в нашем магазине www.armoryhobbyshop.com !
Always glad to see You in our shop www.armoryhobbyshop.com !

with the best regards,
"Armory" hobbyshop team
Mobile: +38-066-841-22-24, +38-096-497-03-44
lang: UKR, RUS, ENG
Skype: callto:Armory-ua

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