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Новости магазина ARMORY

Отправил: Размещено: ( 1734 показов)

#Новый производитель в предложении магазина:BAT PROJECT
Новые товары в предложении магазина:MASRER MODEL, PRINT SCALE



Новый производитель в предложении нашего магазина:
New manufacturer's range already in our shop offer:

BAT72003 - 1/72 Gotha GL.VII /with Maybach engines

Новые товары в предложении магазина:
New items listed in our shop:

AM-32-076 - 1/32 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-32-077 - 1/32 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-32-078 - 1/32 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-32-079 - 1/32 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-32-080 - 1/32 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)
GM-35-009 - 1/35 KPV - Russian 14,5mm heavy machine gun - elongated cooling slots - used on ZPU-1/2/3/4 anti-aircraft systems (1pc)
GM-35-010 - 1/35 KPV - Russian 14,5mm heavy machine gun - round cooling holes - used on ZPU-1/2/3/4 anti-aircraft systems (1pc)
GM-35-011 - 1/35 KPVT (tankoviy) - Russian 14,5mm heavy machine gun - version for armoured vehicles (BTR-60PB/70/80, BRDM-2 and other) (1pc)
AM-48-102 - 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe early version (conical fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Eduard)
AM-48-103 - 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe late version (rounded fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Eduard)
AM-48-104 - 1/48 Folland Gnat T.1 - Pitot Tube
AM-48-105 - 1/48 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-48-106 - 1/48 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-48-107 - 1/48 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-48-108 - 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-48-109 - 1/48 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)
AM-72-083 - 1/72 Folland Gnat T.1 - Pitot Tube
AM-72-084 - 1/72 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-72-085 - 1/72 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-72-086 - 1/72 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-72-087 - 1/72 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-72-088 - 1/72 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)
SM-350-082 - 1/350 USS New York BB-34 armament (after 1942) - 14in/45 (10pcs), 5in/51 (6pcs), 3in/50 (12pcs) barrels
SM-350-083 - 1/350 IJN 12,7cm/50 (5in) 3rd Year Type barrels - for turrets without blastbags (8pcs) - most IJN destroyers built 1930-1945
SM-350-084 - 1/350 IJN 12,7cm/50 (5in) 3rd Year Type barrels - for turrets with blastbags (8pcs) - most IJN destroyers built 1930-1945
SM-350-085 - 1/350 Russian battleship Tsesarevich (1917) armament - 305mm (4pcs), 152mm (12pcs), 75mm (4pcs), 45mm (2pcs), 37mm (2pcs) barrels
SM-700-042 - 1/700 British 4.7"/45 (120mm) QF Marks IX and XII barrels (8pcs) - British destroyer classes - A through N, O, Q through W and Tribal

PrSc48-085 - 1/48 De Havilland Mosquito Part 1 Wet decal
PrSc48-086 - 1/48 De Havilland Mosquito Part 2 Wet decal
PrSc48-087 - 1/48 McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Wet decal The complete set 2 leaf
PrSc48-088 - 1/48 North Vietnamese MIGs (Mig 17 Mig 19 Mig 21) of the Vietnam War Wet decal Part 1
PrSc72-155 - 1/72 Spitfire Mk V Аces Wet decal
PrSc72-158 - 1/72 McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Wet decal 
PrSc72-159 - 1/72 De Havilland Mosquito Wet decal 

(!)Напоминаем, в магазине существует возможность сэкономить на оплате доставки товаров:
- УкрПочта по территории Украины: бесплатная доставка от минимального заказа;
- транспортные компании (Новая Почта, Автолюкс, ИнТайм, САТ): бесплатная доставка при сумме посылки от 500грн.;
- УкрПочта международная: бесплатная доставка при сумме посылки от $100.

(!) Also remind You about possibilities to save funds while You purchase in our shop:
- All the packages with value over $100 are shipped for free worldwide.

Всегда рады Вам в нашем магазине www.armoryhobbyshop.com !
Always glad to see You in our shop www.armoryhobbyshop.com !

with the best regards,
"Armory" hobbyshop team
Mobile: +38-066-841-22-24, +38-096-497-03-44
lang: UKR, RUS, ENG
Skype: callto:Armory-ua

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