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Новые декали Wolfpak Decals: декабрь 2011

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#Американская фирма Wolfpak Decals в декабре выпускает несколько новых декалей в масштабе 1/72.

F-100C of the 127th TFS Kansas ANG
F-16C triple MIG Killer from the 31st FW at Aviano
A-10A with alternate markings for an A-10C from the 175th WG Maryland ANG. The A-10A has a kill marking for a Coyote it hit at Davis-Monthan AFB.
F-4D of the 417th TFS at Holloman AFB
C-130E of the 29th Weapons squadron
C-130H from the Minnesota ANG.
F-16D Blk 52 of the Singapore AF assigned to the 425th FS, 56th FW at Luke AFB
F9F-3 flown by Lt. Plog
F-15E of the 307th FS, the Air Force Reserve Associate unit assigned to the 4th FW at Seymour Johnson AFB
MQ-9 of the Missile Defense Agency.
F-35B BF-02 the first F-35B to land on the USS Wasp with alternate markings for a F-35B in markings of the initial training squadron, VMFAT-501 on its first flight.
A-4E from 1966 on board the USS Constellation in an experimental SEA camouflage scheme.
F-16A Blk 10 of the 89th FS, 906th FW Wright Patterson AFB
A-10A of the 45th FS in markings commemorating the 50th Anniversary of D-Day.
RA-3B of VAP-61 in an all black paint scheme.

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