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Большая распродажа авиа-аксессуаров фирмы Master Model (1/48, 1/72 масштабы)

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#Предлагаем вниманию авиаторов большую распродажу аксессуаров Master Model. Распродажа действительно большая. В наличии широкий ассортимент как для 1/48, так и для 1/72 масштаба. В наличии от 5 до 10 единиц на каждую ходовую каталожную позицию и по 1 экземпляру для остальных. Ассортимент распродажи также расширен: сейчас в списке авиация II WW, большой блок советско-российской авиации и появились реактивы НАТО.

AM-48-001 Browning M2 aircraft .50 caliber (12.7mm) barrels (2pcs) 273 руб.
AM-48-002 P-47 Thunderbolt .50 Browning M2 barrels (8pcs) 267 руб.
AM-48-003 Supermarine Spitfire Vb - Hispano 20mm cannons in fairings 1/48" 267 руб.
AM-48-004 Supermarine Spitfire C wing - Hispano 20mm cannons in fairings (two versions) 402 руб.
AM-48-005 Supermarine Spitfire E wing early - Hispano 20mm & .50cal in fairings (two versions) 1/48 444 руб.
AM-48-006 Supermarine Spitfire E wing late - Hispano 20mm & .50cal in fairings (two versions) 1/48  444 руб.
AM-48-007 F-14 Alfa Probe & Angle Of Attack probe 155 руб.
AM-48-008 F-16 Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probes 197 руб.
AM-48-010 Bf 109 F, G1 - G4 armament set (MG 17 tips) & Pitot Tube 232 руб.
AM-48-011 Bf 109 G5 - G14, K armament set (MG 131 tips) & Pitot Tube 240 руб.
AM-48-012 German aircraft machine gun MG 17 (7,92mm) barrels (2pcs) 304 руб.
AM-48-013 German aircraft machine gun MG FF (20mm) barrels (2pcs) 1/48 192 руб.
AM-48-014 German aircraft machine gun MG 131 (13mm) barrels (2pcs) 331 руб.
AM-48-015 German aircraft machine gun MG 151 (20mm) barrels (2pcs) 245 руб.
AM-48-016 German aircraft machine gun MK 108 (30mm) barrels & blast tubes (2pcs) 1/48 246 руб.
AM-48-017 Fw 190 A2 - A5 armament set (MG 17 barrel tips, MG FF barrels, MG 151 barrels in fairings) & Pitot Tube 384 руб.
AM-48-018 Fw 190 A6 armament set (MG 17 barrel tips, MG 151 barrels, MG 151 fairings) & Pitot Tube 384 руб.
AM-48-019 Fw 190 A7, A8 armament set (MG 131 barrel tips, MG 151 barrels, MG 151 fairings) & Pitot Tube 384 руб.
AM-48-023 P-38 Lightning late type armament (.50 cal Brownings with covered cooling jackets, 20mm cannon tips) 238 руб.
AM-48-024 German aircraft cannon 3,7cm Flak 18 gun barrels (2pcs) 456 руб.
AM-48-025 P-40 E - N fairings with blast tubes for .50cal Browning (6pcs) 283 руб.
AM-48-026 British Mk 2 Browning .303 caliber (7,7mm) with flash hider (4pcs) 437 руб.
AM-48-027 German radar FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 (used on nightfighters Bf 110, Ju 88 and other) 491 руб.
AM-48-028 German radar FuG 218 "NEPTUN" (used on nightfighters Me 262, Ar 234 and other) 453 руб.
AM-48-029 Browning AN/M2 aircraft .30 caliber (7,62mm) barrels (2pcs) 273 руб.
AM-48-030 Dassault Mirage III and Mirage 5 Pitot Tube 166 руб.
AM-48-031 Dassault Mirage 2000 Pitot Tube 155 руб.
AM-48-033 Refueling Probe - NATO standard (used in every NATO aircraft with air-to-air refueling system) (1pc) 150 руб.
AM-48-034 German cannon Bordkanone 5cm (Mk 214 / 5cm BK) - used on Me 262 A-1a/U4, Me 410 A-1/U4 491 руб.
AM-48-035 German WW I machine gun Spandau LMG 08/15 (2pcs) 456 руб.
AM-48-039 Hawker Hunter - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-040 F-100 Super Sabre - Pitot Tube 293 руб.
AM-48-041 F-101B Voodoo - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-042 RF-101B Voodoo - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-043 F-102 Delta Dagger - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-044 F-104 Starfighter - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-045 F-105 Thunderchief - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-046 F-106 Delta Dart - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-047 F-111 Aardvark - Pitot Tube 187 руб.
AM-48-048 F-14 A early version - nose tip & Angle Of Attack probe 140 руб.
AM-48-049 F-4 Phantom II (short nose versions) - F-4B, C, D, J, N, S and all British variants 187 руб.
AM-48-050 F-4 Phantom II (long nose versions) - F-4E, F, G, EJ and recce variants RF-4B, C, E, EJ 187 руб.
AM-48-052 Me-163A Komet - armament set (MG 151 barrel tips) & Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-48-053 Italian machine gun Breda SAFAT 7,7mm barrels (2pcs) 321 руб.
AM-48-054 Italian machine gun Breda SAFAT 12,7mm barrels (2pcs) 321 руб.
AM-48-055 German aircraft machine gun MG 15 - turned barrels and etched sights (2pcs) 341 руб.
AM-48-057 SEPECAT Jaguar GR1/GR3 Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probe 181 руб.
AM-48-058 MiG-23 (Flogger) - Pitot Tube (all variants except MLD version) 196 руб.
AM-48-059 MiG-23 MLD (Flogger K) - Pitot Tube 197 руб.
AM-48-061 MiG-21SM/M/MF (Fishbed J) - Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-48-061 MiG-21SM/M/MF (Fishbed J) - Pitot Tube 300 руб.
AM-48-062 MiG-21bis (Fishbed L/N) - Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-48-062 MiG-21bis (Fishbed L/N) - Pitot Tube 300 руб.
AM-48-063 MiG-21 F-13 (Fishbed C) - Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-48-064 MiG-21 PF, PFM (Fishbed D, F) - Pitot Tube 197 руб.
AM-48-065 MiG-21 U, US, UM (Mongol) - Pitot Tube 1/48 310 руб.
AM-48-066 Su-27/Su-30 (Flanker) - Pitot Tube 203 руб.
AM-48-073 SAAB 35 Draken (mid and late versions) - Pitot Tubes & Angle Of Attack probe 203 руб.
AM-48-074 SAAB 37 Viggen - Pitot Tubes & Angle Of Attack probe 203 руб.
AM-48-076 Dassault Mirage F.1 - Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probe 155 руб.
AM-48-077 IAI Kfir - Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probe 171 руб.
AM-48-087 Static dischargers - type used on MiG jets (14psc) 245 руб.
AM-48-088 Static dischargers - type used on Sukhoi jets (14psc) 238 руб.
AM-48-089 MiG-15 & MiG-15bis - 37mm and 23mm gun barrels set, antenna base & Pitot Tube 341 руб.
AM-48-090 MiG-17A/P/F (Fresco A, B, C) - 37mm and 23mm gun barrels set & Pitot Tubes 341 руб.
AM-48-091 MiG-17PF (Fresco D) - 23mm gun barrels set & Pitot Tubes 235 руб.
AM-48-092 MiG-19S (Farmer C) - gun barrels set, & Pitot Tube 395 руб.
AM-48-094 MiG-19PM (FarmerE) – missle rails nose parts (4pcs) & Pitot Tube 268 руб.
AM-48-098 Gloster Javelin - Pitot Tubes 331 руб.
AM-48-099 De Havilland Sea Vixen - Pitot Tubes 187 руб.
AM-48-100 Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer - Pitot Tube and Refueling Probe 256 руб.
AM-48-101 Dassault Mirage IV - Refueling Probe Boom 245 руб.
AM-48-102 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe early version (conical fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Eduard) 278 руб.
AM-48-104 Folland Gnat T.1 - Pitot Tube 171 руб.
AM-48-107 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets) 363 руб.
AM-48-108 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels) 257 руб.
AM-48-109 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders ) 363 руб.
AM-48-111 De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk.II / FB Mk.VI - Pitot tube & armament set (Browning .303 barrels and Hispano 20mm barrel tips) 501 руб.
AM-48-112 Static dischargers for F-16 (16pcs+2spare) 245 руб.
AM-48-113 Static dischargers - type used on modern Sukhoi jets (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and other) (12pcs+2spare) 245 руб.
AM-48-114 P-38 Lightning - early armament (.50 cal Brownings with drilled cooling jackets & early and late 20mm cannon tips) 352 руб.
AM-48-115 P-38M Lightning - .50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders 268 руб.
AM-48-119 Su-7 (Fitter-A) - Pitot Tubes and 30mm gun barrels 331 руб.
AM-48-120 Su-9 / Su-11 (Fishpot / Fishpot C) - Pitot Tubes and missile rails heads 331 руб.
AM-48-121 Su-15 (Flagon) - Pitot Tubes (optional parts for all versions) 395 руб.
AM-48-121 Su-15 (Flagon) - Pitot Tubes (optional parts for all versions) 383 руб.
AM-48-122 Su-17, Su-20, Su-22 (Fitter) - Pitot Tubes (optional parts for all versions) and 30mm gun barrels 437 руб.
AM-48-124 Su-25 (Frogfoot) - Pitot Tubes 363 руб.
AM-48-125 AH-64 Apache - M230 Chain Gun barrel (30mm), Pitot Tubes and tail antenna (resin, PE and turned parts) 523 руб.
AM-48-126 Mi-24 (Hind D/E) - JakB-12.7 machine gun barrel and DUAS probe (metal and resin parts) 456 руб.
AM-48-127 A-1 Skyraider - 20mm cannon barrels and Pitot Tube 395 руб.
AM-48-128 A-1 Skyraider - 20mm cannon barrels with flash hiders and Pitot Tube 395 руб.
AM-48-129 MiG-25 (Foxbat) (all versions except PD/PDS) - Pitot Tube 363 руб.
AM-48-130 MiG-25PD/PDS (Foxbat E) - Pitot Tube 277 руб.
AM-48-131 MiG-31 (Foxhound) - Pitot Tube 363 руб.
AM-48-132 SR-71 Blackbird - Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-48-133 Hawker Tempest Mk.V early - Hispano 20mm cannon barrels in fairings 331 руб.
AM-48-134 Hawker Tempest Mk.II/V/VI and Hawker Fury/Sea Fury - Hispano Mk.V cannon barrel tips and Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-48-138 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress - machine gun set - Browning M2 aircraft .50 caliber barrels with flash hiders 896 руб.
AM-48-139 P-51D Mustang - armament & gunsight detail set 363 руб.
AM-48-140 Su-33 (Flanker D) - Pitot Tube 256 руб.
AM-48-141 Su-34 (Fullback) - Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-48-142 Angle Of Attack probes - US type (5pcs) 181 руб.
AM-48-144 F-16XL / F-CK-1 prototype - Pitot Tube & Angle Of Attack probes 331 руб.
AM-48-145 MK 103 - German 30 mm autocannon - used on Do-335, Hs-129 and other 331 руб.
AM-48-146 Do 335 A - detail set - MG 151, FuG 25a antenna, Pitot Tube 280 руб.
AM-48-147 Do 335 B-2 - detail set - MG 151, MK-103 tips, FuG 25a antenna, Pitot Tube 383 руб.
AM-48-148 OV-10 Bronco - Pitot Tube 176 руб.

AM-72-002 P-47 Thunderbolt .50 Browning M2 barrels (8pcs) 1/72" 155 руб.
AM-72-005 Supermarine Spitfire E wing early - Hispano 20mm & .50cal in fairings (two versions) 1/72" 240 руб.
AM-72-006 Supermarine Spitfire E wing late - Hispano 20mm & .50cal in fairings (two versions) 1/72  240 руб.
AM-72-007 F-14 Alfa Probe & Angle Of Attack probe 1/72 140 руб.
AM-72-034 F-14 A early version - nose tip & Angle Of Attack probe 1/72" 118 руб.
AM-72-040 MiG-23 (Flogger) - Pitot Tube (all variants except MLD version) 181 руб.
AM-72-041 MiG-23 MLD (Flogger K) - Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-72-042 MiG-29 (Fulcrum) - Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-72-043 MiG-21SM/M/MF (Fishbed J) - Pitot Tube 245 руб.
AM-72-044 MiG-21bis (Fishbed L/N) - Pitot Tube 245 руб.
AM-72-045 MiG-21 F-13 (Fishbed C) - Pitot Tube 245 руб.
AM-72-046 MiG-21 PF, PFM (Fishbed D, F) - Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-72-047 MiG-21 U, US, UM (Mongol) - Pitot Tube 245 руб.
AM-72-048 Su-27/Su-30 (Flanker) - Pitot Tube 181 руб.
AM-72-068 Static dischargers - type used on MiG jets (14psc) 235 руб.
AM-72-069 Static dischargers - type used on Sukhoi jets (14psc) 235 руб.
AM-72-070 MiG-15 & MiG-15bis - 37mm and 23mm gun barrels set, antenna base & Pitot Tube 331 руб.
AM-72-071 MiG-17A/P/F (Fresco A, B, C) - 37mm and 23mm gun barrels set & Pitot Tubes 331 руб.
AM-72-072 MiG-17PF (Fresco D) - 23mm gun barrels set & Pitot Tubes 224 руб.
AM-72-073 MiG-19S (Farmer C) - gun barrels set, & Pitot Tube 277 руб.
AM-72-075 MiG-19PM (FarmerE) – missle rails nose parts (4pcs) & Pitot Tube 235 руб.
AM-72-093 Static dischargers - type used on modern Sukhoi jets (Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34 and other) (12pcs+2spare) 235 руб.
AM-72-103 Su-7 (Fitter-A) - Pitot Tubes and 30mm gun barrels 310 руб.
AM-72-104 Su-9 / Su-11 (Fishpot / Fishpot C) - Pitot Tubes and missile rails heads 310 руб.
AM-72-105 Su-15 (Flagon) - Pitot Tubes (optional parts for all versions) 363 руб.
AM-72-106 Su-17, Su-20, Su-22 (Fitter) - Pitot Tubes (optional parts for all versions) and 30mm gun barrels 384 руб.
AM-72-107 Su-24M (Fencer D) - Pitot Tube 310 руб.
AM-72-108 Su-25 (Frogfoot) - Pitot Tubes 331 руб.
AM-72-113 MiG-25 (Foxbat) (all versions except PD/PDS) - Pitot Tube 331 руб.
AM-72-114 MiG-25PD/PDS (Foxbat E) - Pitot Tube 245 руб.
AM-72-115 MiG-31 (Foxhound) - Pitot Tube 331 руб.
AM-72-127 Su-33 (Flanker D) - Pitot Tube 224 руб.
AM-72-128 Su-34 (Fullback) - Pitot Tube 150 руб.
AM-72-133 Fw 190 A6 armament set (MG 17, MG 151 barrel tips) & Pitot Tube (for Eduard kit) 250 руб.
AM-72-134 Fw 190 A7 - A9 armament set (MG 131, MG 151 barrel tips, MK 108 blast tubes) & Pitot Tube (for Eduard kit) 280 руб.
AM-72-135 MK 103 - German 30 mm autocannon - used on Do-335, Hs-129 and other 270 руб.
AM-72-136 Do 335 A - detail set - MG 151, FuG 25a antenna, Pitot Tube 228 руб.
AM-72-137 Do 335 B-2 - detail set - MG 151, MK-103 tips, FuG 25a antenna, Pitot Tube 321 руб.

AM-32-042 Me-163A Komet - armament set (MG 151 barrel tips) & Pitot Tube 1/32 246 руб.

По вопросу покупки аксессуаров писать на почту - dmitrisoga@mail.ru. Обязательно указывайте артикул и кол-во позиций которые вы хотели бы приобрести, город отправки (для расчёта стоимости почтовых расходов). Все заказы высылаются только после 100% предоплаты. Отправка из г. Тамбова Почтой России.

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Большая распродажа авиа-аксессуаров фирмы Master Model (1/48, 1/72 масштабы)
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