Есть желающие составить компанию в автонабеге на Мошон 21(22) апреля - 4 мая?
Маршрут в разработке, жилье в Мошоне забронировано, транспортные расходы поровну на всех в машине.
Предпочтение семейной паре (без детей).
Есть идея отправить пару корабликов
будет возможность? или нет?
Если никого в попутчики не наберётся, то обсуждаемо.
Ок, держи в курсе.
2 или 3 штуки есть для показа европейцам. Как минимум 2 будет не стыдно им показать.
у меня корабли 19 апреля освободятся с выставки.
Добавлено: Пн Мар 09, 2020 10:20 pm
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Dear Modeler Friends, Dear Visitors!
In recent weeks, due to the global spread of the Corona virus in many countries and the increasing risk of infection, based on information received from local and state public health agencies no major events, especially international ones are not recommended in the coming months.
The organizers of MosonShow, after consulting with - and in full alignment with - the Mayor's Office, decided about the cancellation of the XXIV. Mosonshow (April 25-26, 2020) show event.
XXIV. Mosonshow will be held on April 24-25, 2021!
Atmosphere of the Mosonmagyaróvár meetings was characterized by the cloudless joy of meeting long time not seen friends. This year, we do not see this feeling secured because old friends and old participants would not be able to attend the event due to the viral health situation.
Of course postponing the event to a later date remained as an option, but eventually this one was discarded in favor of the fluent execution of other events.
We could not postpone our decision further more because we do not want to charge the participants with unnecessary expenses (airline tickets, accommodation, etc.).
We look forward to understand our compulsion to deal with the infectious diseases affecting many countries!
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