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Berkuts Display Team Badge

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Hello everyone, I am building Trumpeters 1/35 Mi-24 and I am painting in the Berkuts colours.

I am trying to find some good quality photo or picture/ drawing of the large Eagle Badge on the nose of the Helicopter. Does anyone have any decent picture of this?

I only can find very small images. I need better pictures to make a decal.

Thank you!

Добавлено спустя 57 минут 18 секунд:

Thanks! Any other close up pictures of this badge?

в игноре у 6 пользователей

& Google Smile http://www.google.ru/images?hl=ru&xhr=t&q=%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6% D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F+%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BF%D0%B0+%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BA%D1%83 %D1%82%D1%8B&cp=25&newwindow=1&wrapid=tljp1295114142680064&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa =N&tab=wi&biw=1899&bih=903
Thank you! But I need some large close up pictures of the eagle.

в игноре у 6 пользователей
This bage on the fuselage is only on photographs parade May 9, 2009. All the rest of the Berkut's fly without it. Ask themselves
info@344centr.ru. This is the address where the 334 center group Berkut's base
PS This is not official Berkut's insignia. I think this emblem Center for training and retraining of pilots military aviation (334 center)
Thank you, thats very interesting. I wondered why some have this badge and some don't. Also I have seen this version of the badge, it's slightly different but similar:

Was this also just for parades or for the training centre? The Writing above the eagle is it цбп?

Do Berkuts Team have a website?

в игноре у 6 пользователей
Berkut's do not have a website. The site is only 334 center and is under construction http://www.344centre.com. Yes, written ЦБП. Reduction of "Центр боевой подготовки" (combat training center). I not seen these photos. The first photo was taken at the airfild Torzhok, place-based groups. I was there this summer. Does the logo before the parade or it all the time , I dont know. On airshow Авиалегенды и МАКС the team performed without logo.
At the demonstration speech on the second championship of Russia on the helicopter sports helicopters were also without logo. Аll three performances I've seen live. Can search the video that filmed friends.
Try asking your question on the http://forum.scale-rotors.ru/forum.php.
Thanks that is great!

в игноре у 4 пользователей
John, what are used aftermarket on this helicopter?
Hi Kent, I am using Cobra Company Cockpit and Troop Cabin. Eduard Big Ed Photo Etch Kit, Part Troop Cabin, Scale aircraft conversions landing gear.

I am also using Linden Hill Stencils decal set.

Also some scratch building especially in engine area.

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 5 секунд:

Also I am getting some masks and dry transfer decals custom made in the UK from a friend here. So we are working together to try to make a 1/35 decal of this Eagle.

I am building yellow 52 shown in 6yxouPUSHKIN first picture.
Немного не по теме, так как Беркуты в новой окраске и уже без эмблемы птички, но красиво !


осторожно траффик

в игноре у 4 пользователей
Hi John! I'll be with big interest to see on your build. This "bird" - is my favourite heli Cool) (my model in the GALLERY)
Hi Kent, I will try to keep a blog here on scalemodel.ru! Smile

I wrote an email to 344 centre today, I'll see what they say Wink

в игноре у 6 пользователей
With an interest look at build.

в игноре у 4 пользователей
Джон. писал(а):
Hi Kent, I will try to keep a blog here on scalemodel.ru!

Hello, John! I'll wait with pleasure Smile Good luck!
Hi Kent, here it is http://scalemodels.ru/modules/forum/viewtopic_t_28418.html
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